Monday, October 26, 2009

Legitimate Business Opportunities Or MLM Scams

You will not be far off if you have been approached with legitimate business opportunities but because they seem to be too good to be true, you were skeptical enough to believe that they were in actual fact part of the network marketing scams that you so often hear about. So how can you differentiate between a legitimate network marketing company and a network marketing scam?

MLM scams are abundant in the market which is why there is also the MLM watchdog to keep an eye out for such MLM business opportunities that are not quite legitimate. Thus, before you join any MLM company, you have to do your due diligence and research on the company and their products before you join them if you do not wish to get burnt.

Listed below are a few tips which you can use in order to avoid falling into such MLM scams.

  • Does the company require front loading of products? This means that you are required to purchase a huge amount of products upfront when you join the business before you can start making any money. These companies will die in the long run as business cannot be sustained and everyone has tons of products to get rid of. What will happen is that soon there will be a flooding of products in the market and those desperate to get back some money will start selling off the products at super-low prices, before saturation point is reached.
  • Does the company have a management team that is solid and honest? A background check will reveal more information on the management team and the way they run previous businesses as well as the current network marketing opportunity that you are looking into. More information can be found on the MLM watchdog site.
  • How safe are the products? This is critically important especially if you are dealing with consumable items such as health products. Imagine what will happen if you are promoting a product that is later discovered to cause health problems such as organ damage? You definitely want to steer clear of such unsafe products.
  • How consumable are the products? Are the products saleable and useful for consumers? You do not want to join a company where the products are only consumed by the distributors and nobody else.
  • How reasonable are the prices of the products in comparison to the value they provide? Many companies tend to overprice their products just so that they can pay the various levels of distributors as well as keep a healthy profit.

Once you have found the right network marketing business opportunity, always look for the right upline as well as this can sometimes determine your success or failure in the company.

Doing your due diligence to find if the legitimate business opportunities are real or just network marketing or MLM scams will save you lots of heartaches in future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How To Continuously Generate Network Marketing Leads (2)

If you want to succeed in network marketing, you have to master the art of lead generation. To do this, it is best to have a system of online MLM lead generation which can help you create the best landing pages which will continually and effortlessly generate free network marketing lead for you. Even if you have tons of website traffic hits, but your landing page sucks, you will fail in your quest to generate free network marketing lead continuously.

To generate network marketing lead online, you need to create interesting eye-catching landing pages. The use of good copy is essential as you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of those who arrive at your landing page and captivate them enough to leave their information behind. The first impression plays a huge role in the effectiveness of your landing pages.

You can create either a horizontal or a vertical landing page. Either of these will work and both have their pros and cons.

In a vertical landing page, you will basically be greeted with a long sales page. The vertical landing page generally requires you to scroll all the way down to the very bottom before you see an opt-in box. Generally, if you utilize a vertical landing page, it is best to have two opt-in boxes:- one close to the top and the second after the various explanation.

Advocates of the vertical landing page like it as they are able to give a detailed explanation and lots of pertinent information. However because of the long information provided, the reader is required to read through all the information and scroll all the way down before they see the opt-in box. This could be a deterrent and might in actual fact reduce the number of leads that you would otherwise have captured for your network marketing business.

The horizontal landing page on the other hand might have an upper hand in capturing more leads. This is due to the fact that the reader is immediately faced with the opt-in box as soon as he or she reaches the landing page. There is no necessity to scroll all the way down. At one glance, the reader is able to see the major benefits and attention grabbing headline and decide immediately if they want to fill your opt-in box or not.

To increase your conversion rate from prospect to lead, offer a free gift or something of value, for example, free ebook or report. This network marketing prospecting method has been known to enhance the conversion rate greatly.

In today’s context, more and more network marketers are just asking for the very basic information required to send the free gift to, that is, the email address. They do not even require a name. this is another network marketing prospecting method that is helping to increase conversion rates.

The use of a big red flashing arrow to attract attention to the position of the opt-in box and a call to action is another network marketing prospecting tool being used regularly.

Another common online prospecting tool being used to call for immediate and urgent action is the idea of demand versus scarcity of supply. This prompts prospects who are still sitting on the fence to take action immediately.

Thus the use of best landing pages will constantly help you in generating your supply of free network marketing lead especially if you are in the market actively seeking online MLM lead.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Continuously Generate Network Marketing Leads (1 )

In mlm businesses today, in order to survive and succeed, you need to be able to generate a continuous supply of free network marketing lead. The best mlm leads come from online mlm lead prospecting.

Generally online mlm leads are those who arrive at your website and fill their particulars on their own free will. There is no coercion on your part. Doing so on their own accord makes these prospects some of the best mlm leads that you will generate.

As with running any other businesses, you will need to work and put in the effort to make sure your mlm businesses succeed. By targeting the online mlm lead, you will need to have various network marketing strategies in place.

There are a number of ways to generate free network marketing lead, including but not limited to writing network marketing articles, use of social media, traffic exchange, blogging, video marketing, podcasting, safelist, etc…

Personally I like the use of network marketing articles best as this form of lead prospecting continues to bring visitors to your site long after your articles have been written. Interesting articles that are keyword targeted and submitted to the various article directories such as, self and idea go a long way to generate free network marketing lead.

You can convert your articles into podcasts as well as videos, using various free resources that are available widely on the internet. To create your podcast, you can use the audacity software whilst the windows movie maker can help you create your videos. Upload your podcast to free sites like podbean and your video to sites such as YouTube. All this will help in branding yourself as a leader in your mlm businesses.

The use of social media marketing can also help in your lead prospecting for your mlm businesses. There are numerous social media platforms around. These include popular sites such as facebook, myspace, twitter, etc… Done correctly whilst branding yourself brings you credibility. When your credibility is built up, you will be seen as a leader in the network marketing industry. This has the advantage of people wanting to follow you.

Traffic exchange is a service whereby you visit member’s sites in return for credits which allow other members to visit your sites as well. However, the members who visit your site may not be your targeted market.

Safelists are lists which contain email addresses of individuals who have agreed to receive email from other members of the mail safelist program. So when you join the safelist, you can also email to the members on the list.

Maintaining a blog is another way to brand you, provide value and drive traffic. Free blogging sites such as and can be utilized. However the professionals will go for the paid version as you will not need to worry about your blog being shut down with no reason given, as has happened to many before.

The use of the various network marketing strategies as listed above in your online mlm lead prospecting is to drive traffic to your site which in turn hopefully creates a constant source of free network marketing lead for you. However driving traffic to your site alone does not guarantee you success in your network marketing business if these prospects are not converted into leads.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Create A Millionaire Mindset

Millionaire mindset - what is that all about? Is there such a thing as millionaire mindset and is such a mindset for anybody and everybody? How can a normal person like you and I achieve such a mindset? Do you have a personal goal setting?

According to T. Harv Eker, the #1 reason why most people do not get what they want is because they do not know what they want. You have to be sure of what you want because clarity leads to power. Power gives you the ability to do and/or act.

Millionaires have a clear idea of what they want and go all out to achieve it. They believe in themselves and set out to achieve what they want with great gusto. What are your beliefs about wealth and money? Do you believe that you can and will succeed? How can you change your mindset in order to increase your wealth potential?

“Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you are right.” ~ Henry Ford

Millionaires add value to others. The more value they provide to others and the more they help others solve problems, the more their wealth grows. Ask yourself what value are you providing to those around you? Are you able to help anyone solve any problems? How can you increase your value to others?

Millionaires know their WHY! This is critical to their success. Do you know why you want to succeed? If your ‘why’ is not big enough, you will not reach anywhere. Millionaires have big goals and work towards their personal goals and take steps along the way to measure their achievements. Write down your ‘why’ and what you plan to achieve. Setting your goals is important.

In order to fast track their success, millionaires know how to leverage on others. They put a lot of emphasis into self development and know the importance of outsourcing. This leaves them to concentrate their efforts on money-making activities. Are you bogged down with daily administrative work and mundane activities that can be better left to others to handle, thereby leaving you to work on more important tasks?

The millionaire mindset is that of an action taker. They work to earn money so that their money can work for them. Do you work to earn money to pay for your current lifestyle? Do not be afraid to take action. Be ready to fire and then adjust your aim. The more you focus on aiming in order to hit the bulls’ eye, you are just procrastinating and nothing happens. Act in spite of fear just like the millionaires do. Millionaires are humans just like us. They have fears too. However, they are able to overcome their fears and do not allow their fears to stop them from success.

“The key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will naturally be attracted to you.” ~ Stuart Wilde

Harness the power of the millionaire mindset so that it will continuously work for you. Do not miss out on your personal goal setting too.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is Saturation In Network Marketing Today A Myth

Thousands of people are joining network marketing today. Even as these distributors join the network marketing mlm home business , they are usually very much concerned about the saturation point of such a business model like mlm business opportunity network marketing. There is a fear that one day soon, everyone in the whole wide world will be involved in a network marketing mlm home business and that there will no longer be a market from which they can attract people into their organization as their downlines.

So is it true that saturation in network marketing today is a myth? Will there be a day where it will be impossible to attract any new downlines into your organization due to the overwhelming competition in the whole wide world? If that were the case, then with network marketing as a business model for the past fifty odd years, the market would be pretty saturated by now. However, it is far from being so.

Saturation in network marketing is a myth and should not be a cause for concern. Here are a few reasons as to why this is so.

• Firstly, due to the natural life cycle of a human being, the network marketing business will not be saturated. There will always be people who will reach the legal age where they can join a network marketing business opportunity. These people will age and get married and form a family as well and their kids will soon reach the legal age to join a network marketing business too. This simply means that at any point in time, there will always be people who will be out in the so called job market and these are the people who will be the next generation to join the network marketing business.

• People are always on the lookout for better opportunities. As network marketing business offers people a change in lifestyle and the ability to be able to live their dreams, as long as you are able to offer the right opportunity to the right people at the right time, there will be a market for you. Especially for those who are in their jobs and who are most unhappy and disgruntled with the situation they are in, these are the people who are looking for an opportunity which is able to offer them better hope and lifestyle and a way out of their unhappiness. Or you could have people who, for certain family reason, need to stay home and work from home. These would be your target market.

• With the rate or attrition in the network marketing industry, this also helps to avoid saturation. Through experience, there will always be people who will drop out of one network marketing company and join another as they are looking to join leaders who are able to help them succeed. By positioning yourself as a leader, mentor or trainer, this will allow you to attract a wider target market to you and may even attract those from other network marketing companies who are not doing well in their current business opportunity.

Network marketing saturation in today’s context is therefore a myth. As long as the company is a legitimate company offering products and services that have appeal to customers, there is nothing to worry about and you can enjoy the mlm business opportunity network marketing that you are representing.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Network Marketing Principle By Zig Ziglar

As a network marketer, I am sure you have heard this phrase before:- “You can only get what you want, if you help enough other people get what they want.” So how can this network marketing principle by Zig Ziglar help you in your home based business opportunity network marketing today?

It has become so popular that if you truly wish to succeed in your network marketing business opportunity today, you should never forget this phrase by Zig Ziglar to see you at the top. Without abiding by this very important network marketing principle, you will always find yourself falling short of your goals and desires. This holds true because the very basic fundamentals of success in network marketing is based around this principle.

As an upline, part of your responsibility is to see that your downlines succeed. The reason why you introduce others into the business is so that you can grow your organization. In return for building your organization, you get to enjoy overriding commissions.

However if you are just signing up people into your organization to earn the overriding commissions, you are bound to fail in this great business opportunity. You must also be prepared to teach, train and coach your downlines how to grow their team in order to enjoy the rewards of the compensation plan. You have to be prepared to dirty your hands and build your team from scratch in order to reach the top.

By showing your downlines how you go about building your team and giving them guidance and assistance in building theirs goes a long way to not only show your moral support but courage and confidence as well. When your downlines are able to generate volume themselves, your efforts have paid off.

In certain network marketing plans today, you may help a new downline by ‘giving’ or ‘placing’ downlines below them. This will give them some motivation when they see that they have someone below them and this may just be the booster they need in order to succeed. However, you do not want to continuously keep on doing this. Your goal is to teach them ‘how to fish’ so that they may succeed in any conditions even when you are not around.

As a downline, you must remember to give thanks to your upline for introducing you to this wonderful business opportunity. At the same time, although your upline is there to help you succeed, this does not mean that your upline is your slave. If everyone displays a ‘win-win’ attitude, this will create a powerful team. This can be seen when you, as a downline, put your best foot forward to help your upline achieve the volume required to hit the next pin level. By seeing how you go all out for your upline, your downlines will also do the same for you when the time comes to help you reach your goal.

This is a very powerful tool and once you have achieved this, the higher are your chances of success in any network marketing organization as you will be able to build a powerful organization with everyone helping each other to succeed. Thus you should never forget this very important network marketing principle of helping others succeed before you see success by Zig Ziglar.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Affiliate Internet Marketing Web Business Online

Are you looking at turning your website into a cash cow for you so you can earn extra cash from home? One way to get the job done is to host some affiliate internet marketing web business online. Although this kind of internet marketing was sometimes shied away from in the past by some people because they believed it made their websites look “cheap” and cluttered, affiliate programs have come a long way. They are used by many of the most respected site on the net and can be a great way to monetize any website out there. Find out how to make use of the affiliate marketing tool to work for you.

First, it’s probably a good idea to back up a step. Just what is affiliate marketing? Affiliate internet marketing web business is when you allow companies to advertise their products in a side bar on your website. Typically, affiliate marketing has comes in sets of three or four, with a bold headline, a small blurb about the product, and a link. When people who are reading your website click on the link, you get paid by the advertising company.

There are a few different set ups these programs can take. Sometimes, you may get paid for allowing the affiliate to join your website and advertise, period. Sometimes, you may be paid per click. Other times, you may get paid per click, with another, increased payment if that customer actually purchases something. Still other times, your deal may include all of these different ways of getting paid. Your ability to negotiate a deal generally depends on how much traffic you get on your website. The more people who come to your site every day, the more chances there are that someone will check out one of the affiliate programs. For this reason, if you get a lot of traffic, you can demand higher per click fees and better terms overall. If your site is small but growing, you can accept so-so terms now and renegotiate in the future. Whatever it is, the affiliate marketing tool is another way of allowing you to earn extra cash from home.

So, how do you sign up for one of affiliate business internet marketing online programs? Again, there are a few different ways. You can make deals with individual companies, which works fine for some people and is the way many smaller websites help each other out. An easier way for some people, however, is to make a deal with an affiliate program company. These companies represent a host of other online businesses and provide with you advertising from many different sources.

One word of caution when you’re trying to set up affiliate internet marketing web business online promotions: make sure whoever you’re working with can supply advertising that is relevant to your site. This is easy if you’re making deals with individual outlets, but if you’re working with a big affiliate program, make sure they will tailor the advertisements. Advertising things that don’t have any relation to your site will not only make your site look bad, but it will also make it harder for you to make money. If people come to your site to read recipes, they aren’t going to be paying attention to ads for power tools. Making the right affiliate choices, however, could seriously increase your ability to earn extra cash from home. Do pick the right affiliate marketing tool to use.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The story of the "Heart of the Champion"...

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career...

I've lost almost 300 games...

26 times I've been trusted to take the game winningshot and missed...

I've failed over and over and over again in my life...

And that is why I succeed."

Who said it?

The legendary icon himself, Michael Jordan.

Thats what I'm looking for. A champion. A heartof pure gold, of pure desire. Thats what it takes.

You WILL fail in network marketing over and overand over again, there is absolutely no doubt aboutthat and no way around it.

It takes that one final game winning shot to make itover the hump...and over that hump is everythingyou've ever wanted in life.

It's here:

Be like Mike...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How To Spot Online Money Making Scams

As the Internet grows, so do opportunities to make fast easy money online. There are increasing numbers of online money making scams that people fall prey to each and every day. Sure, the Internet is a vast and wonderful place. You can connect to the world and you can even build a whole business and learn ho to earn extra cash on this virtual world. More people than ever are working online from home and they make money over the internet. You can too, if you know how to spot online money making scams.

What are online money making scams? A scam is something that cheats you out of something, or more often than not, a way that will part you with your hard earned money. When you deal with the Internet, you have to be very careful. There are many unscrupulous people out there who have no qualms about scamming you. In many cases, online scammers know they can take your money and run and never be caught.

Now that you know what a scam is, how do you make sure that your working online from home business does not fall victim to these scams? The first thing you will want to know is who you are dealing with. You should never do business with someone or a company that you cannot research or one that seems “off”. You can put their email address, website name or even their name in a search engine. See what comes up. If nothing comes up, then you should be wary of doing business with this business or person.

Personal Info: You have probably heard that you should never give your personal information to a stranger. This couldn’t be truer than the Internet. If someone asks you for your social security number or bank account number, then run away. This is not personal information you should give anyone on the Internet. This is a red flag that they are trying to scam you and just making money out of you. Never give this or any other information such as this over the Internet.

Upfront money and fees: Don’t ever give money up front to any person or company. If you are working over the Internet or doing business over the World Wide Web, you should remember that you should not pay money up front for things that sound “fishy” or too good to be true. There are plenty of schemes and scams out there, such as the popular pyramid schemes that will cause you to lose a lot of money in no time flat. In addition, be aware of companies that want you to pay a fee before you get the business. For example, if you run across a website that promises to give you clients, business or other services for a certain fee, then chances are you have found a scam. Avoid these at all times. There is no such thing as fast easy money.

Once you start making money online, you will learn what to look for as far as scams. It is important that you know what to look for and how to avoid being bilked out of your hard earned cash.

Always remember whilst working online from home, you can learn how to earn extra cash. However, if you are not careful and fall for the ‘make fast easy money online’ schemes, you will be hit. Be alert and look out for these money making scams if you want to make money over the internet and not lose your money instead.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why Use Website Search Engine Optimization Tool For Your Network Marketing Business Opportunities

What is Search Engine Optimization, also commonly termed as SEO? Why do you need to use website search engine optimization tool for your network marketing business opportunities?

Basically Search Engine Optimization is the process of implementing a tool or strategy to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ search results. Usually the sites that are ranked higher in the search engines will have more traffic directed to their sites, thereby increasing the website traffic. Most internet marketers use SEO to optimize their websites as SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for.

When using SEO, the website traffic generated is free. You do not have to pay for the traffic that you get unlike when targeting paid traffic in the form of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Google AdWords.

Normally when you do a search on any of the search engines like Yahoo or Google, you would normally click the results that are on the left rather than those on the right. The ones that are on the right are basically sponsored, which means they pay to be shown on the first few pages, unlike the ones on the left which are there due to the natural algorithms. This shows that search engine optimization traffic is of higher quality as compared to PPC.

The latest trend now is using SEO for the network marketing business opportunities. It is considered as one of the most lucrative ways to make money in network marketing. Why is this so?

SEO is basically unheard of previously in the network marketing industry. It is a new trend and very few network marketers know about SEO. At the same time, those who are currently involved in SEO are not network marketers. As such, the market is huge and generally untouched.

SEO in the next few years down the road will be the trend for network marketers. Currently there is little competition because many network marketers have not yet started to build their business online. And since those who are currently strong in SEO are not involved in network marketing, the opportunities are endless.

So if you follow some simple guidelines, you should be able to get your network marketing websites ranked easily on the Internet.

You can start by creating a Squidoo Lens or a Hub Page. This will help to drive traffic to your website and boost your rankings as they are considered high authority sites. What you need to do is to write a good content with high keyword density.

Target long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are usually 3 and 4-keyword phrases which are very specific to whatever you are selling. Whenever a customer uses a highly specific search phrase, they already know what they are look for. In virtually every case, such very specific searches are far more likely to convert to sales than general generic searches that tend to be geared more toward the type of research that consumers typically do prior to making a buying decision.

At the same time, write various articles about your network marketing company and the products or services. Focus on optimizing your company’s brand name. Submit these articles to various top ranking article directories like Ezine Articles or Idea Marketers. A good article needs to be easy to understand and powerful. Keep your articles short and sweet, preferably between 300 to 500 words.

In the long run, you will be able to drive free traffic to your website. Remember to optimize your articles with keywords that have high searches. The key is to drive traffic no matter which search engine ranking position you are in – it is no point getting rank no.1 if no one is searching for that keyword at all.

With such a tool being so new to the majority of network marketers, it is good to generate traffic to your network marketing business opportunities via website search engine optimization tool.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mothers Working At Home --Three Things You Need to Remember

There are many mothers doing freelance work from home jobs. Working at home is great for many people, especially mothers. Mothers just starting out with a newborn or mothers with teenagers—it doesn't matter. It can work for any mother. Working at home enables mothers to stay at home and care for the house and kids and also earn extra cash from home. The article below lists three important things that mothers working at home should remember.

1. Online Job Searches Can Still Be Tricky

Sure, online job searches don't involve going door-to-door to different companies and handing out your resume, but there is still some effort that has to be put into the job search in order to achieve success. You usually won't land a job the first time you apply. Don't let this discourage you -- many people aren't successful the first time they try unless they know how to do it perfectly. This normally won't happen. Instead of waiting for a response from one or two jobs you apply for, keep searching and sending as many resumes to as many jobs as you can. This will increase your chances of success. Make your job search into a full-time activity, almost as if you have a job. If you work diligently, you are guaranteed better results. Do not be choosy. Even if it is a freelance job, it is fine.

2. Jobs Can Add Stress To Your Life

If you already have lots of things going on with your life, working at home may not be for you. If it is a full-time occupation already keeping up with the house and taking care of the kids, you may not want the extra stress of taking on an Internet job. Just because you have the freedom to work when you want and the flexibility to choose your own hours, that doesn't mean that work is stress-free. It still takes up time and effort and there are still deadlines to meet. There may also be penalties for not completing your work on time, and your boss won't care what your situation is or why you weren't able to complete
your work on time.

3. The Family Is First

If you're a single mother, it is almost imperative that you work while managing the kids and the home. That is a lot of responsibility to be put on you. However, if you are married and your spouse makes the primary income, you should still always make time for your family. Don't get caught up in working all the time—take a break now and then and spend some quality time with your spouse and children. Working can become stressful and stress can begin to break apart homes and cause problems. Working is a huge source of stress. Being able to relax sometimes and unwind will help a lot with the stress on you and your family. Working is great, but having time for the family is imperative to the success of any household.

The above are three important things that mothers working at home should remember. Whether it is a freelance work from home, if these things can be added into the formula of working at home, the success for this venture and the ability to earn extra cash from home is likely to be much greater.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Online Prospecting Tool To Create A Recruiting Explosion

In traditional network marketing today, building an organization is not easy. Many are faced with disappointment and rejection in their network marketing prospecting.

Without a proper prospecting tool, many network marketers, after depleting their warm market, are faced with approaching the cold market which is tough especially for those who are shy. What you need to do to build an organization is to generate enthusiasm, initiative and momentum. The way to do this is via online prospecting tool. This will allow you to work smart rather than hard.

The Magnetic Sponsoring System

Magnetic Sponsoring is a system created by Mike Dillard who went from waiting tables to millionaire in less than two years. He was able to do this when he ‘cracked the code’ to network marketing and came up with the system that has become a profitable lead generation machine churning high quality leads. The magnetic sponsoring system teaches you to become the hunted instead of the hunter. By branding yourself, you are able to attract an endless stream of new prospects, thus building more leads and more cash for your network marketing business today. Better still, the system teaches you how to generate cashflow from leads who do not even join your network marketing business opportunity today.

The Renegade Network Marketer System

The Renegade Network Marketer System, founded by Ann Sieg, goes against the grain of traditional network marketing where the network marketer learns everything, from building name lists to cold calling dead beat opportunity leads, from their uplines. All these obsolete methods are being overtaken by a new wave of online network marketing prospecting. This enables you to have tons of pre-sold prospects coming to you without having to spend hours on the phone or attending a single hotel meeting. This creates prospects who are literally lining up for your network marketing opportunity instead.

MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP)

The MLSP was founded by three top earners and industry leaders which pays commissions based on referrals. The MLSP also teaches you to lend credibility to yourself by branding you on the net and creating value to your prospects. No matter what network marketing company you are in, as long as you continuously build relationships with your prospects, the MLSP will help you build your list and generate cash. This in turn creates cashflow as well as helps you build your residual income. The best part is that you can try out the system for 14 days for just a measly ONE DOLLAR. That is right! For just $1, you can start generating leads, building your list, promoting yourself as a leader and profiting from the powerful sales funnels created so as to immediately put cash in your pocket.

If the right marketing tactics and network marketing prospecting techniques are applied to your network marketing business today, creating a recruiting explosion is far from impossible. The end result is time and financial freedom.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Working From Home Opportunities

Working from home opportunities are out there by the bucket load if you know where to look. Millions of people have used the internet to create their own business empires, and many of them have done so without any formal business training of any kind or any experience running their own companies. Could it be your turn? Consider the following small home business ideas and work from home program and the things you need to think about before you turn to the net to make your first million. Do remember that there is no way to make fast easy money online.

When it comes to working online from home, there is one mistake many rookies make. They think that they can just throw up any old website and then boom - the money will start rolling in. The fact of that matter is that even though doing business online gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to your working hours and how and where you do your business, it really is not as different from “real world” business as you might imagine.

You still have competitors. You still need to find your customers. You need some way to advertise. You still will have operating costs. So, before you jump in, you need to get to know your market. You need to write a business plan. You need to know who you will be competing with and where your customers are lurking online. You need more than a website - you need a plan of attack, a proper program to put your small home business ahead of your competitors.

Another rookie mistake when it comes to working online from home is that people often “chase” the latest trends online. For example, they hear that social networking sites are becoming all the rage, and so they decide to start their own. This is a surefire way to make your working from home opportunities a flop. Instead of chasing fads that will go out of style as soon as they come in, make sure your business is one that utilizes your talents and interests.

Go into a field that lets you use your knowledge and that keeps you engaged. If you don’t, you won’t be able to tap into the drive to keep the business afloat - or if you do, you’ll be miserable. The whole idea is to leave the pain of the workday lifestyle in the dead end job you can’t stand behind you. Don’t create your own worst job for yourself.

With those caveats in mind, it’s time to consider which work from home program or small home business ideas could work for you. The salesperson in you might enjoy online selling through internet auction sites. Start with your own miscellaneous stuff (your junk equals someone else’s major score) and then branch out into selling the stuff of your neighbors and beyond for the people who have stuff to get rid of but not the desire to do it themselves.

You can also consider online writing, web design, web editing - the possibilities are endless. Your best working from home opportunities are the ones you’re going to love doing. If you decide to work online from home, be prepared to be committed and focused to make it a success as there is no way to make fast easy money online.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To Have Guaranteed Downlines

As a network marketer, how often have you come across prospects who have no interest at all in your home based businesss? Better still, how often have you done presentations to prospects who seemed eager to hear your compensation plan only to have their enthusiasm fizzle off and they are not ready to join you in your buisness opportunity?

Are you sick and tired of wasting your time and getting rejected time and time again?

Basically you are faced with two types of markets, the targeted market as well as the untargeted market. In order to have guaranteed downlines, you need to aim for your targeted market rather than the untargeted market.

Generally ninety-nine percent of network marketing companies will teach you to go for the untargeted market. This can be likened to fishing without the bait. THe leaders in the network marketing industry together with your uplines will get you to write down a whole list of names. This can be achieved by scrolling through the phone book on your mobile phone and making a list of each and every contact you have. "The longer the list, the greater the success". They believe that the list is your greatest asset. You are then required to call every single person on your list. This exercise is doomed from the very beginning as statistics show that only a small percentage of the new downlines will succeed in getting a positive response.

To go for your targeted market, you must first identify your target market and look in the right places. This will help you get a guaranteed downline. Most network marketing companies do not teach you to reach out to your targeted market. However if you want to succeed, you sometimes have to go against the grain of what is the norm and tap into other result proven sources.

In recent years, more and more people are venturing online to put their home based business in front of their targeted market. It is easier to market online to your targeted market and find good prospects by advertising your network marketing opportunity to the right people. This could be someone looking for a product or service which your network marketing company provides or someone just looking for the right opportunity to make money.

To market online, you need to be familiar with the various options available. Some may be free and yet others may put you out of pocket quite a bit. You may use a few methods concurrrently. The idea is to generate traffic to your website.

In order to drive free traffic to your website, you can be an article writer. Submit articles in your niche to various article directories. When people publish your articles on the internet, traffic is driven to your website through viral marketing. You will want to brand yourself as an expert. Be a big fish in a small pond. Creating a blog on network marketing and branding yourself as an MLM expert is very important for getting your name out in the market. Remember to give value, build trust and create rapport. If you market your blog well, you will be able to generate lots of free traffic.

If you are willing to pay for traffic, a few options include pay per click advertising and banner advertising. Google Adwords is a good example of pay per click advertising. You will need to set your budget. Paid advertisements generally is a faster way of driving traffic to your website.
Others like traffic exchanges and email marketing are also available. These can be paid or free depending on the various sites.

The main advantage of online marketing is freeing up precious time spent with the untargeted market.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Multi Level Marketing – A Problem of Structure or of People?

When it comes to multi level marketing, doubters always point to the structure of the business as the reason these programs are doomed to failure. First of all, the multi level marketing program lends itself to becoming pyramid schemes – in fact, many multi level marketing organizations are nothing more than exactly that. Others point to the fact that even legitimate business opportunities in multi level marketing are destined to go bust because the very nature of the set up causes the market to become saturated with more sellers than buyers. Since reps recruit new members from their circle of family and friends, suddenly everyone you know is selling, and there is no one left to buy. So who else can you marketing the multi level marketing opportunity to?

These all sound like logical arguments to approach multi level marketing with a great deal of skepticism and doubt. But the fact remains that some multi level marketing outfits are indeed profitable, thriving, legitimate businesses, so there seems to be some flaw to blaming the sky high failure rate of multi level marketing get ups on the structure alone. So, what else could be causing the problem? The real root of the issue here might be the people that tend to jump at these multi level opportunities.

To explore this issue, we have to leave aside the subject of multi level businesses that are outright scams. These will fail eventually, and people will lose financially and personally when they do. But taking the multi level marketing programs that have the potential to be successful – why such a rate of failure? Well, much of this comes down to the people that are lured into multi level marketing deals. People with a lot of business experience have a natural distrust of multi level marketing deal, even if at their base, the best multi level businesses are hardly different from a franchise. What that means is that there’s not a lot of business skills and know how flowing into multi level marketing deals. The reps that many of these programs end up with are wet behind the ears or worse. Many of them have a history of failing at business and a tendency to flit from one get rich quick scheme to the next. They simply may not have the knowledge to capitalize on the legitimate opportunities a multi level marketing scheme can offer.

What are some of the rookie mistakes these people tend to make? They often overestimate their own potential in the business, and in turn, they overestimate the value of the product when they are trying to sell to customers and the value of the opportunity when they are trying to recruit new reps. They often fail to figure out when is the time to try and make a sale and when is not (like their neighbor’s cookout). Further, they may simply not know how to sell, which is at the very crux of making it in multi level marketing, making their failure the only sure bet. If you’re considering joining a multi level marketing program, be honest about your abilities, so you don’t end up losing more money than you make. Be assured that legitimate business opportunities can be found in the multi level marketing industry.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

MLM Cashflow Generation Using Affiliate Marketing

The most important aspect of keeping your network marketing or multi-level marketing business alive and successful is generating leads and cashflow. Although leads are essential in your network marketing business, they are useless and serve no purpose if they do not convert into your customers who buy your products. When there are no sales volume, your business will suffer because there will be no money to pay for your monthly expenses. Carrying on like this is simply putting yourself into boiling water.

A network marketing business functions just like any other business in the sense that you do have certain expenses to cover every single month.

  • Buying products. There will be a monthly autoship where you need to make purchases each and every month. Maintaining your autoship every month simply means that your downlines are required to do the same as well and this will translate into a monthly income for you. Certain network marketing businesses do not require a monthly autoship. However in order for you to continue getting a monthly income, there needs to be business volume.
  • Fixed expenses. These are fixed daily and monthly expenses that you need to pay for including transportation and food. Many network marketers get so fired up about their business and they forget about these expenses. When the realization hits them, they quit because they have run out of money.
  • Personal development. To grow yourself as a leader of your organization, you need to invest in self development programs. There are many books, CDs, DVDs, tapes and seminars that can be found in the market. They can be expensive but are worthwhile investments that will pay off in the long run.

All this goes to show that cashflow is an essential component especially in your network marketing home business. How then can we get this cash coming in consistently? Discussed here are three ways to get consistent cashflow.

1 Continuously recruiting and signing up new downlines. This will give you the fastest way to get your commission as most network marketing companies offer you an incentive in the form of a fast start bonus for every new downline you sign up. The more downlines you have in your organisation, the more commissions you will make from the monthly autoship and other purchases.

2 Keeping up the retail sales will ensure your monthly commissions. This means having a customer base where you retail your company’s products is essential for a consistent income.

3 Using the internet to make money from your leads and prospects via affiliate marketing. This is a good way to target leads and prospects who may not fall into the two categories above and is virtually untapped by network marketers.

As an affiliate marketer, you would basically market generic network marketing information that anyone can use. Due to its low cost and high demand, there is a huge target market for such practical information.

There are many affiliate programs that you can join. The payouts range anywhere from forty to seventy-five percent for marketing these information products. When you have your affiliate marketing program, you can at least offer them to your leads and prospects who do not sign up or buy your network marketing products and generate cashflow from this alternative stream. This can be a good way of making money by driving traffic to your blog and marketing affiliate products. You can thus continue to generate cashflow and keep your business afloat. In fact, your affiliate marketing customers may even join your network marketing opportunity some day in the future.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can PLR Generate Web Traffic

We seem to hear a lot about PLR. What is PLR and can it be used to generate web traffic?

PLR is the acronym for Public Label Rights. When you get a PLR item such as ebook or articles, you are allowed to edit the contents and indicate your name as the author. If you have a PLR ebook, you are allowed to dissect the book into smaller portions and use them as part of a newsletter or split them unto articles and/or blog posts. Or you can combine various articles into a single book that you can either give away as a freebie or resell and keep one hundred percent of the profits.

How does this benefit the network marketer? How can PLR help the network marketer in increasing web traffic? If you were to use PLR, do you need to go through the learning process all over again in order to be like the various techies and experts? If you are a newbie to internet marketing and would like to increase your website traffic hits to your site featuring your business opportunity, should you use PLR products?

Well, you need not worry about having to learn the various internet marketing secrets to generate web traffic using search engine optimization, social media, etc… All that you will be required to do is to either use the PLR product exactly as you get it if you are posting it directly on your website or blog or edit at least fifty percent of the contents if you are looking at posting on various article directories to increase your website traffic hits.

One of the easiest and most popular ways to generate web traffic is to submit your articles to various article directories. When you do that, you are exposing your network marketing articles to the millions on the internet who are looking for information. This is a great way to generate web traffic to your blog or website especially when your articles are categorized correctly.

There are hundreds of article directories on the internet. Do not bother about submitting to each and everyone of these directories. Look out for those with high Alexa rankings and you can submit to these directories. Submitting to ten of these high ranking article directories site far outweighs the advantages of submitting to a hundred low ranking sites. Use your time fruitfully.

One of the largest and most popular article directories is Ezine Articles. It is not easy to get your articles published here as the editorial team is very stringent in their quality checking and do not accept just any slipshod articles. As such, they are known for quality and if you are able to get your articles published on Ezine Articles dot com, you will have a very good chance to generate web traffic to your site.

There are many other sites with high Alexa ranking including Idea Marketers, Go Articles, Article City, Article Cube, Search Warp, Amazines, Article Directory and Aricle Base to name a few. Consistently submit your edited network marketing PLR articles to these sites on a regular basis and you will start seeing an increase in your website traffic. Ensure that at least fifty percent of the PLR articles are edited before submission.

As there are others who also subscribe to the same PLR articles and ebooks, you might come across similar articles with the same title. This is why the article needs to be edited. Another alternative is to convert your articles into audio podcast which you can submit to the podcast directories as well as video which can be uploaded to the most popular youtube channel and other video sites. These sites are also able to help in increasing web traffic as well.

With the same article, you can submit to as many article directories as possible. Convert them into other formats such as podcasts as well as videos and submit to the respective directories. When you have consistently done this over a certain time period, this will easily generate between 200 – 500 leads a single day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Work from home program is the way of the future

Having a job working from home has always been something that many people try to attain. The idea of being able to be your own boss essentially is very exciting for many people looking at a work from home program. Most people spend their lives working for a boss or a company, and never experience the joys of the independence of working for themselves. There are pros and cons to earn extra cash from home, especially so for mothers working at home, and this is the case with anything in life.

It takes a certain type of person to be able to work at home and be disciplined. When you make the decision to work at home you need to understand that you are totally responsible for your actions each and every day. While working for others, you tend to have someone who is always basically looking over your shoulder. This is not what happens when you have a job working from home. If you are the type of person that can discipline yourself to work a certain amount of hours and adhere to your own deadlines amidst the distractions, then perhaps a work from home program is for you.

The advantages of working from home are many, especially for mothers working at home. Being able to be at home in your house is top on the list for mothers who can take care of the kids as well as earn extra cash from home. Many times when you're starting on a work from home program, you may not make as much money as you might have outside the home. However many people find that this is a fair trade off given the freedom they gain. Additional pros on having a job working from home is that you set your own parity as well. This means that you determine how much you are going to be paid according to what you charge, and also by the number of hours you wish to work. The good thing about this is that you are in full control.

Anyone who is seriously considering a job working from home needs to conduct an in-depth research and understand both sides of the work from home program. If you are not the type of person with the personality or perseverance that is essential when it comes to a having a job working from home, then obviously this is not going to work out. A work from home program to earn extra cash from home is not something that is for everyone.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Network Marketing Scams – How to Protect Yourself

For the self employed, navigating the topic of multi level marketing (mlm) business opportunity network marketing can be a tricky one. Although many network marketing mlm home business companies are legitimate and can be a good way to make money, there are others out there that cost you both financially and legally. How can you tell the difference? There are two major red flags to watch out for when it comes to mlm businesses, and if you can keep an eye out for them, you will be able to effectively protect yourself from the network marketing scams.

First things first, however: what is network marketing or multi level marketing? In many ways, multi level marketing is a lot like the franchise set up that many of your favorite chain restaurants operate under. The difference is that rather than being limited to a single location, representatives of mlm businesses perform sales on a roving basis – they move around and sell any place they can, rather than setting up a single shop. These representatives, also often called “down stream reps,” buy products from the parent company and then sell them on to stores or private individuals. The exact nature of the financial arrangement between the parent company and the downline mlm network marketing can differ from group to group, but usually there is a profit split on a pre-determined percentage basis. There is usually also some incentive for downline mlm network marketing to recruit new downlines, and they often receive a percentage of the sales made by anyone they recruit.

It is this last part of mlm businesses that can be the first red flag. Although most mlm businesses do provide this kind of recruitment incentive, some companies rely exclusively on recruitment to make money. Downline mlm network marketing recruit new representatives, and collect a joining fee from them (or collect money by selling them merchandise that they are supposed to then sell on), and then no actual selling of products happens. The whole business thrives on the recruitment of new members and the collection of membership fees. This is called a pyramid scam, and it is illegal. If you are investigating a company and it seems like you are unlikely to make any money from actual product sales, stay away.

The second red flag has to do with the product prices you get from the parent company. Some scammers set themselves up as mlm businesses and present products to their downlines at prices that would never allow them to clear a profit. If the prices you are being offered by the parent company are extremely high, and you doubt that you will be able to mark up the prices at all to resale the goods, you’ve likely stumbled on a scam. These scammers typically collect all the money they can from people – often not even delivering the goods that their “downlines” purchase from them – and then they close up shop and disappear, usually reappearing under a new name a few weeks later to perpetrate the scam again. Essentially, multi level network marketing is a business like any other, and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Questions to Ask Before Joining MLM Businesses

Mlm business opportunity network marketing – it seems like you can barely turn around without bumping into one of them, promising to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams overnight, without you having to lift a finger. They often sound like they could be too good to be true, and often, they are. Having said that, there are mlm businesses that are legitimate and really do offer entrepreneurs a good way to earn extra cash from home. The problem then becomes – how do you tell them apart? Here are some questions you should consider before joining any mlm businesses.

The first question involves the top tier of the company. Who are they? What do you know about them? Are they the founders of the company? Many mlm businesses give you a song and dance about the company founder being some poor, down on the luck man or woman, who took a chance one day with little investment and now runs around with a fleet of private jets and vacation homes. Sounds a little suspicious, doesn’t it? Although it will be nice if that happens, what you really want to know is that the company is headed by business people who are willing to have an honest and realistic discussion about the company. Beware there, the “I was once just like you,” pitch – it’s just emotional manipulation.

The next question regards the product you will be selling. First of all, if no one seems to be concerned about the product, run away. That is a pyramid scam, and getting caught up in it is costly and illegal. Once you know what the product is, do your market research. Is there a demand for it? Who are your competitors? If it would sell well in a normal retail environment, why isn’t the product placed there? This research will help you determine if this plan could really be one of the few money making systems that will work.

Next, find out more about promotion responsibilities. Is the company actively promoting the product, as a franchise would, or do you have to cover all advertising and promotion costs yourself? That could get costly fast, and send your budget well into the red.

Last but not least, figure out when you will see a return on your investment. If the company gives you a lot of talk about long term visions, turn and walk away. There’s no reason you should wait for years for a return on an investment in this kind of venture. You should be looking for something in which you could start making your money back within a few weeks of starting to sell. If things are going to take longer, either the initial investment is out of whack or the mlm network marketing opportunity is one that is destined to fail.

Answering these questions will help you clear up any confusion you have mlm businesses and help you zero in on a mlm network marketing opportunity that is right for you or one that is for the birds.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working At Home Online

When it comes right down to it, most of us that have decided we want to try making money working at home online. However, there are numerous ads (actually, scams) out there that make it sound like you can rake in hundreds and even thousands a week by just spending a few short hours a day working from home computer. If it is that easy why is anyone working outside the home? This is where myth meets reality.

Is there a legitimate home based business opportunity out there? The answer is “yes”. Are there really legitimate making money online jobs which are home based that rake in the dough? Again, the answer would be “yes”. However, you do have to actually work. These types of jobs are not plentiful and most of them do not pay an enormous amount like is being portrayed by those behind the “work-from-home scams”. One of the most common type of job working from home are the ones in the “clerical field”. These can be anything from billing clerks to administrative assistants to data entry jobs. Other common “work from home” options are in the field of sales, some of these do require some travel, and there are also various work from freelance work from home business opportunities that will allow you to begin making money online.

If you are considering working from home and plan on making money online, you need to be prepared to “work” just like you would if you were in the office or in the (outside) work force or starting a business in a Mall. You will likely have to have the same qualifications, education and experience regardless of where you work for a company whether it is in their office or from your home. The only difference between working from home and in the office is that you will have to have great self-discipline to work from your home and you will need to be highly self-motivated. You will have to provide yourself with a working environment and treat your “work time” as just that. In some cases, it is actually harder to complete work from your home office verses an actual office setting because it is hard for family and friends to understand that you need to be performing your “job” duties even though you are in your home.

The plus side to working at home online is that you will probably have greater flexibility in your schedule and can decide “when” you are going to work. You can’t be asked or expected to “stay late at the office” to help finish a project or task. You will be home more. And since you will be working at home online verses driving to a job everyday you will be saving on gas and travel time. Once you are comfortable and get settled with your “work from home” job or business opportunity, you will be able to find a schedule that best suits your family and still accommodates your “job”.

So, make no mistake, making money online is no easy feat but, if you are willing to actually be working at home online, it can be one of the most rewarding work experiences you will ever have.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Ultimate Work From Home On The Internet Business

With the current economic situation and credit squeeze, many people are looking at working from home opportunities as a second income. More and more are researching for work from home on the internet opportunities as this allows them to earn extra cash from home as well as spend some time at home with their family members.

Fortunately for these people, there are a number of legitimate internet money making ideas.

Three of the most outstanding markets include:-
- internet marketing where products and services are marketed over the internet
- multi level marketing (mlm) or network marketing where products and services are marketed earning commissions over a few levels
- personal development or self-improvement market

Basically these three markets are very resilient in any economic condition and some even consider them as an ‘iron rice bowl’, a Chinese term referring to guaranteed job security and steady income and benefits.

The internet marketing arena where you market your products and services over the internet can be very cost effective. Done correctly, you will compile a huge mailing list of prospects to whom you can promote your products and services with the touch of a few clicks, all the while sitting at home and working from home computer. By building a good relationship with those on your list, you can get a high conversion rate which in turn translates to high commissions.

If you are in the mlm industry or network marketing today, it is advisable to bring your network marketing prospecting online as you have the world as your market and there are no geographical barriers. Instead of facing rejection after rejection from both your cold and warm markets, prospecting online will help you avoid such rejections. Instead of spending your time travelling from one opportunity meeting to another, you can now conduct such meetings online using webinars and teleconferencing, all the while working from the comfort of your home.

By tapping into the personal development or self-improvement market, you are basically tapping into a huge market with great potential. Everyone needs to learn from leaders in the field and many look to such mentors for motivation and inspiration as well as self-development. As per T. Harv Eker, ‘if you are not learning, you are dying’. Thus every forward looking person will want to look into this area of self development.

So if you are looking for the ultimate work from home on the internet business, seriously consider these three outstanding markets for legitimate money making ideas.

Network Marketing Prospecting Using Videos

People have different styles. Some people are more visual and yet others are more auditory. However when you are able to combine these two in the form of a video, you end up with one of the most effective network marketing prospecting tool. In fact, network marketing prospecting in the traditional way already makes use of the video during opportunity meetings, motivational trainings and self development seminars with great success. So why not use online prospecting for your network marketing today?

Videos have proven to be an effective tool in network marketing by allowing the viewer to engage in more than one of the five senses. The more senses you engage, the easier it is to build a rapport with your viewer which in turn helps in intensifying your conversion rate. The higher the conversion rate, the more successful you are.

Some prospects do not like reading frequently asked questions and find it a chore going through a long list. However with the video, it helps to cut down on various objections there may be regarding your product or service and any support issues can also be handled at this junction.

More and more people are going online and the number of online video viewers have increased exponentially in the last few years especially with You Tube. Creating and directing your own video can be a simple process. Uploading them to free video sites like You Tube and Vimeo can help tremendously with online prospecting as you can generate web traffic from the search engines. Increasing web traffic can help build your list which is crucial in network marketing today.

Video marketing is surpassing article marketing not only for “newness” but also in the effectiveness of link building and direct traffic it generates.

Research has shown that video helps in the retention of up to fifty percent of the information after a fortnight. Just reading alone will cause you to lose up to ninety percent. Thus if you want to be effective in online prospecting, you have to make use of this latest trend of using videos and better still, creating your own videos.

Branding yourself as an expert in your field will lend credibility to your name and face. Once people associate your name and face with that of an expert, you become a magnet and will attract people from all walks of life to your business opportunity.

With that being said, it is not difficult to create a simple video which is effective and will go a long way in your network marketing prospecting. There is no expensive software to be downloaded if you are just looking to create a simple video. In fact, whatever you need can be downloaded free from the internet. Be sure to take advantage of videos for your network marketing business today.