As a network marketer, how often have you come across prospects who have no interest at all in your home based businesss? Better still, how often have you done presentations to prospects who seemed eager to hear your compensation plan only to have their enthusiasm fizzle off and they are not ready to join you in your buisness opportunity?
Are you sick and tired of wasting your time and getting rejected time and time again?
Basically you are faced with two types of markets, the targeted market as well as the untargeted market. In order to have guaranteed downlines, you need to aim for your targeted market rather than the untargeted market.
Generally ninety-nine percent of network marketing companies will teach you to go for the untargeted market. This can be likened to fishing without the bait. THe leaders in the network marketing industry together with your uplines will get you to write down a whole list of names. This can be achieved by scrolling through the phone book on your mobile phone and making a list of each and every contact you have. "The longer the list, the greater the success". They believe that the list is your greatest asset. You are then required to call every single person on your list. This exercise is doomed from the very beginning as statistics show that only a small percentage of the new downlines will succeed in getting a positive response.
To go for your targeted market, you must first identify your target market and look in the right places. This will help you get a guaranteed downline. Most network marketing companies do not teach you to reach out to your targeted market. However if you want to succeed, you sometimes have to go against the grain of what is the norm and tap into other result proven sources.
In recent years, more and more people are venturing online to put their home based business in front of their targeted market. It is easier to market online to your targeted market and find good prospects by advertising your network marketing opportunity to the right people. This could be someone looking for a product or service which your network marketing company provides or someone just looking for the right opportunity to make money.
To market online, you need to be familiar with the various options available. Some may be free and yet others may put you out of pocket quite a bit. You may use a few methods concurrrently. The idea is to generate traffic to your website.
In order to drive free traffic to your website, you can be an article writer. Submit articles in your niche to various article directories. When people publish your articles on the internet, traffic is driven to your website through viral marketing. You will want to brand yourself as an expert. Be a big fish in a small pond. Creating a blog on network marketing and branding yourself as an MLM expert is very important for getting your name out in the market. Remember to give value, build trust and create rapport. If you market your blog well, you will be able to generate lots of free traffic.
If you are willing to pay for traffic, a few options include pay per click advertising and banner advertising. Google Adwords is a good example of pay per click advertising. You will need to set your budget. Paid advertisements generally is a faster way of driving traffic to your website.
Others like traffic exchanges and email marketing are also available. These can be paid or free depending on the various sites.
The main advantage of online marketing is freeing up precious time spent with the untargeted market.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
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