As a network marketer, I am sure you have heard this phrase before:- “You can only get what you want, if you help enough other people get what they want.” So how can this network marketing principle by Zig Ziglar help you in your home based business opportunity network marketing today?
It has become so popular that if you truly wish to succeed in your network marketing business opportunity today, you should never forget this phrase by Zig Ziglar to see you at the top. Without abiding by this very important network marketing principle, you will always find yourself falling short of your goals and desires. This holds true because the very basic fundamentals of success in network marketing is based around this principle.
As an upline, part of your responsibility is to see that your downlines succeed. The reason why you introduce others into the business is so that you can grow your organization. In return for building your organization, you get to enjoy overriding commissions.
However if you are just signing up people into your organization to earn the overriding commissions, you are bound to fail in this great business opportunity. You must also be prepared to teach, train and coach your downlines how to grow their team in order to enjoy the rewards of the compensation plan. You have to be prepared to dirty your hands and build your team from scratch in order to reach the top.
By showing your downlines how you go about building your team and giving them guidance and assistance in building theirs goes a long way to not only show your moral support but courage and confidence as well. When your downlines are able to generate volume themselves, your efforts have paid off.
In certain network marketing plans today, you may help a new downline by ‘giving’ or ‘placing’ downlines below them. This will give them some motivation when they see that they have someone below them and this may just be the booster they need in order to succeed. However, you do not want to continuously keep on doing this. Your goal is to teach them ‘how to fish’ so that they may succeed in any conditions even when you are not around.
As a downline, you must remember to give thanks to your upline for introducing you to this wonderful business opportunity. At the same time, although your upline is there to help you succeed, this does not mean that your upline is your slave. If everyone displays a ‘win-win’ attitude, this will create a powerful team. This can be seen when you, as a downline, put your best foot forward to help your upline achieve the volume required to hit the next pin level. By seeing how you go all out for your upline, your downlines will also do the same for you when the time comes to help you reach your goal.
This is a very powerful tool and once you have achieved this, the higher are your chances of success in any network marketing organization as you will be able to build a powerful organization with everyone helping each other to succeed. Thus you should never forget this very important network marketing principle of helping others succeed before you see success by Zig Ziglar.
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