Monday, July 20, 2009
Is Saturation In Network Marketing Today A Myth
Thousands of people are joining network marketing today. Even as these distributors join the network marketing mlm home business , they are usually very much concerned about the saturation point of such a business model like mlm business opportunity network marketing. There is a fear that one day soon, everyone in the whole wide world will be involved in a network marketing mlm home business and that there will no longer be a market from which they can attract people into their organization as their downlines.
So is it true that saturation in network marketing today is a myth? Will there be a day where it will be impossible to attract any new downlines into your organization due to the overwhelming competition in the whole wide world? If that were the case, then with network marketing as a business model for the past fifty odd years, the market would be pretty saturated by now. However, it is far from being so.
Saturation in network marketing is a myth and should not be a cause for concern. Here are a few reasons as to why this is so.
• Firstly, due to the natural life cycle of a human being, the network marketing business will not be saturated. There will always be people who will reach the legal age where they can join a network marketing business opportunity. These people will age and get married and form a family as well and their kids will soon reach the legal age to join a network marketing business too. This simply means that at any point in time, there will always be people who will be out in the so called job market and these are the people who will be the next generation to join the network marketing business.
• People are always on the lookout for better opportunities. As network marketing business offers people a change in lifestyle and the ability to be able to live their dreams, as long as you are able to offer the right opportunity to the right people at the right time, there will be a market for you. Especially for those who are in their jobs and who are most unhappy and disgruntled with the situation they are in, these are the people who are looking for an opportunity which is able to offer them better hope and lifestyle and a way out of their unhappiness. Or you could have people who, for certain family reason, need to stay home and work from home. These would be your target market.
• With the rate or attrition in the network marketing industry, this also helps to avoid saturation. Through experience, there will always be people who will drop out of one network marketing company and join another as they are looking to join leaders who are able to help them succeed. By positioning yourself as a leader, mentor or trainer, this will allow you to attract a wider target market to you and may even attract those from other network marketing companies who are not doing well in their current business opportunity.
Network marketing saturation in today’s context is therefore a myth. As long as the company is a legitimate company offering products and services that have appeal to customers, there is nothing to worry about and you can enjoy the mlm business opportunity network marketing that you are representing.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Network Marketing Principle By Zig Ziglar
As a network marketer, I am sure you have heard this phrase before:- “You can only get what you want, if you help enough other people get what they want.” So how can this network marketing principle by Zig Ziglar help you in your home based business opportunity network marketing today?
It has become so popular that if you truly wish to succeed in your network marketing business opportunity today, you should never forget this phrase by Zig Ziglar to see you at the top. Without abiding by this very important network marketing principle, you will always find yourself falling short of your goals and desires. This holds true because the very basic fundamentals of success in network marketing is based around this principle.
As an upline, part of your responsibility is to see that your downlines succeed. The reason why you introduce others into the business is so that you can grow your organization. In return for building your organization, you get to enjoy overriding commissions.
However if you are just signing up people into your organization to earn the overriding commissions, you are bound to fail in this great business opportunity. You must also be prepared to teach, train and coach your downlines how to grow their team in order to enjoy the rewards of the compensation plan. You have to be prepared to dirty your hands and build your team from scratch in order to reach the top.
By showing your downlines how you go about building your team and giving them guidance and assistance in building theirs goes a long way to not only show your moral support but courage and confidence as well. When your downlines are able to generate volume themselves, your efforts have paid off.
In certain network marketing plans today, you may help a new downline by ‘giving’ or ‘placing’ downlines below them. This will give them some motivation when they see that they have someone below them and this may just be the booster they need in order to succeed. However, you do not want to continuously keep on doing this. Your goal is to teach them ‘how to fish’ so that they may succeed in any conditions even when you are not around.
As a downline, you must remember to give thanks to your upline for introducing you to this wonderful business opportunity. At the same time, although your upline is there to help you succeed, this does not mean that your upline is your slave. If everyone displays a ‘win-win’ attitude, this will create a powerful team. This can be seen when you, as a downline, put your best foot forward to help your upline achieve the volume required to hit the next pin level. By seeing how you go all out for your upline, your downlines will also do the same for you when the time comes to help you reach your goal.
This is a very powerful tool and once you have achieved this, the higher are your chances of success in any network marketing organization as you will be able to build a powerful organization with everyone helping each other to succeed. Thus you should never forget this very important network marketing principle of helping others succeed before you see success by Zig Ziglar.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Affiliate Internet Marketing Web Business Online
First, it’s probably a good idea to back up a step. Just what is affiliate marketing? Affiliate internet marketing web business is when you allow companies to advertise their products in a side bar on your website. Typically, affiliate marketing has comes in sets of three or four, with a bold headline, a small blurb about the product, and a link. When people who are reading your website click on the link, you get paid by the advertising company.
There are a few different set ups these programs can take. Sometimes, you may get paid for allowing the affiliate to join your website and advertise, period. Sometimes, you may be paid per click. Other times, you may get paid per click, with another, increased payment if that customer actually purchases something. Still other times, your deal may include all of these different ways of getting paid. Your ability to negotiate a deal generally depends on how much traffic you get on your website. The more people who come to your site every day, the more chances there are that someone will check out one of the affiliate programs. For this reason, if you get a lot of traffic, you can demand higher per click fees and better terms overall. If your site is small but growing, you can accept so-so terms now and renegotiate in the future. Whatever it is, the affiliate marketing tool is another way of allowing you to earn extra cash from home.
So, how do you sign up for one of affiliate business internet marketing online programs? Again, there are a few different ways. You can make deals with individual companies, which works fine for some people and is the way many smaller websites help each other out. An easier way for some people, however, is to make a deal with an affiliate program company. These companies represent a host of other online businesses and provide with you advertising from many different sources.
One word of caution when you’re trying to set up affiliate internet marketing web business online promotions: make sure whoever you’re working with can supply advertising that is relevant to your site. This is easy if you’re making deals with individual outlets, but if you’re working with a big affiliate program, make sure they will tailor the advertisements. Advertising things that don’t have any relation to your site will not only make your site look bad, but it will also make it harder for you to make money. If people come to your site to read recipes, they aren’t going to be paying attention to ads for power tools. Making the right affiliate choices, however, could seriously increase your ability to earn extra cash from home. Do pick the right affiliate marketing tool to use.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The story of the "Heart of the Champion"...
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career...
I've lost almost 300 games...
26 times I've been trusted to take the game winningshot and missed...
I've failed over and over and over again in my life...
And that is why I succeed."
Who said it?
The legendary icon himself, Michael Jordan.
Thats what I'm looking for. A champion. A heartof pure gold, of pure desire. Thats what it takes.
You WILL fail in network marketing over and overand over again, there is absolutely no doubt aboutthat and no way around it.
It takes that one final game winning shot to make itover the hump...and over that hump is everythingyou've ever wanted in life.
It's here:
Be like Mike...